« so you’re a philosopher ? »
« yes » he answered simply « how did you guess? »
« well » I respond «there are many books on this table »
The table was rather small, short-legged, made out of massive wood. This small table was covered with books, but only written by unknown auteur: Paristote, Alto, Murx, Hagal , Luc boat ( he immediately told me his disaccords with him), Julien Perret, etc… The room was clearly small, small and packed; books everywhere, piles of books laying on the floor , two armchairs, a small desk , shelfs everywhere, this small table, a window, with a landscape, blue sky and oranges trees blowing up like fireworks , and at least the philosopher; an old man, small eyes, thin eyebrows, long beard with a mustache as long as the beard , he was wearing a tweed jacket, a green nice one, Scottish style and he was smoking from a pipe, blue smoke around him , he was smiling and open to any discussion.
« you need to unlearn » he said with a smile.
« wait a minute… » I replied « where am I am, what is this place? »
« a place can be anything, you just have to choose »
« it doesn’t answer my question, where am I? »
« I can’t tell where you are, nobody really knows, in this infinite universe »
Then the room began to change, mute. there are no more books, only a wooden floor, marble floor; the armchairs also changed style, actually everything changed , except us.
« why didn’t we changed? »
« well, tricky question -er- we are unfinished, that means we can choose -er- what we will be , and the fact that we didn’t change prove the evidence of liberty of choice.. »
« it doesn’t make any sens »
« if you don’t like Paristote , it’s your fault . »
« isn’t there any other theory on the subject ? »
« there is Julien Perret , who has told the now famous : new physics law . If the preceptor has an influence on the situation , the situation will not influence him »
« I can’t understand these new physics, it seems to work differently than in my idea of physics »
« you will soon know , but as you said it it’s only your idea of physics , and it seems quite far from reality , to understand you need to unlearn »
I was quite anxious about this unlearn thing , what does it mean … what does all this mean, it was getting lost in my reflexion , so I decided to leave them, and not to try to understand them, I’ll have plenty of time afterward.
« what does unlearn mean ? »
« unlearn is a road, a bumpy road, definitely not a safe one, it will be hard, you will probably get lost. In this trip you will need to burn your idols, all your fake gods, the only true God is the one who invented it , a man »
« why should I do that ? »
« well you’re free to go , but you know that the best way to choose your path is to learn how to choose it ! »
ho, now I remember why I’m here , to found a path , thru this deep , dark green forest . but why am I lost in this forest ? if only I had a clue…
he relaxed with delight in his armchair, still smoking his pipe.
« first of all you should change your vision, do you know hashish ? »
« yes, I guess »
« then you should smoke »
« er » then I realized, that there was a tweed jacket , a green nice one, Scottish style, I love it.
« I believe that everyone should have a tweed, tweed is good quality , last for ever, everyone should have clothes for life. look in the inside pocket . »
I find in that pocket , a small pipe, curved in wood , and a bag made out of Lin. I put a small ball of pollen in the pipe . a box of matches was also in that pocket. I light it up . Blue smoke fly from the pipe. I begin to feel more light, it wasn’t the first time I’ve done it , ad it will not be the last. Light was beautiful , and I found myself in a beautiful hammock. the philosopher was with me in this picturesque landscape. Happy as he could be , smiling in the half sun-half shade. We’re under a tree , a big nice tree, I look at the tree for several minutes.
«I’m sorry to break the silence, but you need to listen to this poesies. Karl B02lair ; le poème du hashish »
« it’s in French isn’t it ? »
« yes it is »
« and how will I understand ? »
« you will »
and the record was playing : « karl b02lair, poème du hashish… »
after I’ve listened to it, I was shocked, in the best possible way, the language was as clear as cristal water , and this poem describes what I feel in a very precise way. everything has changed and I really see what the philosopher meant by saying « you need to change your vision » . Everything was beautiful. I’m laying with delight in a hammock , under a great tree, the landscape was mystical, an epic lake was in front of me; blue , blue , blue all over me, the lake , the sky and the smoke . Leaves were moving by the willing of the wind, and as karl b02lair described I start to do a transferee on this tree all my fear, my emotion into this tree…
« and beauty become subjective, said once Julien Perret, the world is no more outside of you , you live with it, you put all your feelings in this world, you visualize it as a one, beauty is no longer an objective thing , beauty is the world, and beauty is you ! you don’t see the landscape , you feel it. »
« I don’t know who he is, and I’m not sure to agree with him »
« well , I think your time here has come to an end »
« did I said something wrong ? »
the room was the same as at the beginning, a small, full , packed room.
« here you go » he gave me two books: Alice full adventure Bird edition by leris Karol , and poème du hashish from karl b02lair .
« well, it doesn’t sound like hard philosophy, I’m a bit disappointed »
« you will come back, and I’ll have some new books to give you, don’t worry, here’s what you need, in this backpack »
I almost fall into a stack of books, 12trying to get out. And when I stood in front of this door , I felt something new; fear.
end of chapter 01
Julien Perret
11.09.18 -12.09.18
Vous savez les choses changes pour le pire et le meilleurs , et dieu, le destin ou yoahn schneider amman ne semble pas toujours prendre les bonnes decision , et la je parle des morts de famines de l'esclavage, de la guerre au yemen ou encore de wall street qui a une petite part de responsabilité dans les exemple précédemment cité, pas de ma bisexualité bien sur ! Je vous le dis l'hétérosexualité c'est comme le liberalisme c'est une impasse , c'est cool un moment puis tu te rends compte que c'est tout nul. Ma décision fut brève et pas totalement volontaire et vous allez me dire que quelque chose est volontaire ou ne l'est pas mais qu'il n'y a pas de partiellement volontaire dans la physique mécanique, et vous auriez raison , mais ne me coupez pas car les phrase au dela de dix mots me coupe de mon publique potentiellement fan de tpmp et ça me chagrine car cette émission fait tout pour la cause , ouais non. Enfin bref j'étais assis sur mon throne mo...
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